Shop in Store
AFS has 3 locations in to serve your needs.
AFS has 3 locations to serve your needs.
Our warehouses are stocked with thousands of items for you to take home today. They are fully staffed with friendly and knowledgeable sales associates to help find whatever you may be looking for. If an item is currently not stocked in one of our locations, AFS can place an order and have it to you in a timely manner.
AFS offers a complete line of quality construction fasteners, tools and accessories. This includes drywall screws, pneumatic and concrete fasteners, pins and loads, and power tools. AFS also carries a full line of safety products including hearing protection, safety eyewear, head and face protection, respiratory protection and personal fall arrest systems.
Stop in to Madison, Appleton or Waukesha today and see for yourself!

Our Showroom and warehouse is accessible to you. Let us show you around and help find what you need.

Can't find it on our shelves? Let our sales associate know and we will can get it on order.